I am a well of mostly useFUL, but some useless, yet entertaining knowledge.
If you are anything like me, you are curious about the world around you and just want to share the cool stuff that you stumble upon (or seek out). I am getting together for more resources, content, literature review, podcasts, sustainable product reviews, fun videos, and more from me for you to enjoy.
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The content on this website is protected with copyright laws by Morgan Knowles, if work (not limited to text, photos, and videos) has been copied, posted, or used in any way that constitutes copyright infringement. If interested in sharing the knowledge, please credit Moseaschange.Blue; thank you!
I created a hashtag that I hope will change the world! #fossilfreefriday #fossilfree because… well, #f*ckfossilfuels… #FossilFreeFriday is a day you dedicate to being as #fossilfree as can be by doing our best to avoid petroleum-based lifestyles to help combat our climate crisis.