Kicking Off Earth Month 2021 with Boca Save Our Beaches
Whale hello there!
I would like you all to meet a dear friend of mine Seymour. He is a little sea horse (Hippocampus erectus, for you nerds out there) that is my teaching buddy for Boca Save Our Beaches’ Marine Debris Workbook Experience! This little dude has been transforming the lives of our kiddos for about 2 years now and I couldn’t be more delighted to be able to bring another year of marine science and plastic pollution education to our sprouting environmentalists!
This year is a little bit different though…
With the advancements in virtual learning, we literally have no limitations to reaching brick and mortar classrooms or even dining rooms and home offices EVERYWHERE! Bazinga!
Watch the short video below about our little sea horse dude
sharing about his adventure into learning about marine debris!
A marine debris educational and interactive workbook written by Boca Save Our Beaches very own, Jessica Gray.
A marine debris educational and interactive workbook writen BY BOCA SAVE OUR BEACHES Jessica Gray.
The ocean is an enormous and powerful body of water. It's hard to imagine that putting something small in it, like a plastic bottle or a drop of oil, could make any difference in its well-being or hurt the plants and animals that call it home.
But, plastic pollution is now considered one of the largest environmental threats facing humans and animals globally. Did you know that every piece of plastic ever made still exists today? YUP.
Boca Save our Beaches, Inc. presents “Seymour’s First Journey into a Sea of Debris” – An interactive children’s workbook educating the young generation on the issue of marine debris and what we can do to help. The workbook, written by Boca Save our Beaches, is ideal for children ages 3-7. The colorful pages, illustrated by local Florida marine artist Tom D’Auria, depict the story of a Seahorse named Seymour that embarks on a lesson about marine debris.
We made the news!
Watch by clicking the link above :)
Here is a short film created by a BSOB Intern. Click here or the thumbnail above.
want to bring Seymour to your classroom or on ZOOM?
Contact Jessica Gray Founder of BSOB:
Tell her Mermaid Morgan shared this with you :)