Boca Save our Beaches has released “Seymour’s First Journey into a Sea of Debris” – an interactive children’s workbook educating the young generation on the issue of marine debris and what we can do to help. In partnership with BSOB, I established an in-school program which made the local news!
Gathering a total of 633 divers at Deerfield Beach International Fishing Pier, PADI dive center Dixie Divers, set the record for largest underwater clean up in 24 hours – successfully removing debris that consisted of fishing line, garbage, even larger materials such as boat ladders and barbells which previously laid beneath the water's surface.
For the past 8 years Divers Cove has organized the Dania Pier Cleanup and this year they paired up with Stoked On Salt who coordinated a beach cleanup at the same time. The event was a success with 200 divers, 100 topside volunteers and 1211 pounds of debris removed in 2 hours.
Successfully lead and launched Surfrider Foundations First Broward County Ocean friendly Restaurant Program leading to 12 registered OFR’s within the first year. With the help of our Youth Chapter President Emma Kavanaugh we have made history in Broward County.
Was nominated by an anonymous acquaintance to interview with the absolutely inspiring online magazine. It explores a bit on my background, and wide skill set that is sort of like a multi-tool that will never rust. Learn more about my start as a juvinile mer-baby and how i got to where I am today.
"We walked about a quarter-mile of the beach and stripped it clean of plastic pollution, we planted 11,000 sea oats to help restore the dune system here in Pompano," she added.
Office Depot made a pretty awesome video of the 11,000 sea oat planting and beach clean to to help restore the dune systems. Check out this neat vid they made!
Stoked on Salt SOS Day
Photo shout out with Stoked on Salt. "During these last years, I was fortunate to meet others like me and partner with them to have a greater impact on the community ...". - Lisa Miceli-Capano. ::en espanol"::