

 Marine Policy Made Easy

While this page is still under construction, I don’t want to leave you hanging in legislation-limbo-land and provide you with more tools to make change in your city, county, or state. Here are a list of marine policies I have worked on and some links to see how you can either support, or start your own piece of legislation!


Light Pollution Ordinances

A lot of people think lighting ordinances are only beneficial to just sea turtles. Which, is false. Extreme, excessive, misdirected or obtrusive uses of light, (and even carefully used light) fundamentally alters natural conditions. Our crazy pollution issue here in Florida disrupts ALL wildlife, and humans alike. Its been proven time and time again that light causes measurable negative impacts on human health (one major one being immune function and sleep issues). Adverse behavioral changes in insect/animal populations decrease both ambient quality and safety in our nighttime environment.

Here is some language in the City of Hollywood Regarding Sea Turtle Lighting. Obviously, Florida’s coastal cities are urbanized, and we cannot pretend like we can go back to blowing out our street lamps at night. However, we can bring attention to this issue and do our best to compromise. Hoping we can dim the lights enough to see the Milkyway Galaxy sometime soon. Glad Hollywood is stepping up 🙌🏽😉💙Here is a recent article from the Sun-Sentinel, Dim those bright lights or face $1,000 a day in fines on Hollywood Beach.

Break Free From Plastic Act of 2021

Have you heard of the Break Free From Plastic Act of 2021??? It is the single most in-depth and comprehensive piece of legislation tackling the pollution problem EVER! The Break Free From Plastic Pollution Act of 2021 (BFFPPA) builds on successful statewide laws across the country and outlines practical plastic reduction strategies to realize a healthier, more sustainable, and more equitable future.

This legislation seeks to meaningfully address the plastic pollution crisis by:

  • Shifting the financial burden of waste management and recycling off municipalities and taxpayers to where it belongs: the producers of this waste;

  • Spurring massive investments in domestic recycling and composting infrastructure;

  • Phasing out certain single-use plastic products that aren’t recyclable;

  • Establishing minimum recycled content standards;

  • Launching a national beverage container refund program to bolster recycling rates;

  • Placing a temporary pause on new and expanding plastic facilities until the Environmental Protection Agency updates and creates vital environmental and health regulations to protect frontline and fenceline communities;

  • Prohibiting plastic waste from being exported to developing countries;

  • And more proven policy solutions!


    Here is also another letter of support you can sign. If you would like to look at the actual 2020 legislation language click here to go straight to our congress site. Or a Google Doc Summary here

Single-Use Plastic Legislation

Here is the perfect success story of which helped lead a group of passionate conservationists to victory. In 1996, the City of Hollywood passed an ordinance (§ 97.05) which states that all businesses east of the intracoastal waterway can not dispense non-biodegradable foodservice products, such as plastic straws, and polystyrene cups, and take out containers. There is also another ordinance (§124.07) on the books preventing businesses from using biodegradable, single-use items on the broadwalk itself (that can blow away by the wind). However, more recently (2016-2017) Florida passed a polystyrene preemption so that cities could no longer ban polystyrene. Fortunately, Hollywood is able to enforce its preexisting ordinance to overrule this new language because it is grandfathered in. I was a lead on this project and we came out victorious! Many businesses are STILL “unaware” or choosing to accept the fines for this ordinance instead of comply. I have also worked with several townships on Long Beach Island NJ to help push along their plastic bag ordinances. Want more on this? Contact me below!

Expanded Polystyrene in Broward County Schools

Over the past few years with how much work I do within the Broward County School System (as an environmental educator with local non-profit, Youth Environmental Alliance), I have seen first hand the damage expanded polystyrene and single-use plastics do to school grounds and the surrounding community. I have on countless occasions seen disgustingly polluted grounds covered in smushed foam lunch trays, that tumble up against fences, break into a million pieces, and are carried away with the wind. We all now know and understand the implications of expanded polystyrene foam on our fragile and dwindling natural environments, and we need to do better for these kids and our ecosystems. So many cups, spoons, straws, forks, and bags polluting a serious radius around the property infiltrating our natural spaces, including our nearshore and offshore habitats. I asked that Broward County Public Schools please stop serving food in expanded polystyrene foam containers AND dramatically reduce the usage of single-use plastic waste. I also asked that BCPS use more environmentally friendly products that are less harmful to human health. I will be more than willing to help advise the board on options if needed. Still waiting on a reply from the board and superintendent. Stay tuned

Balloon Releases

This is one of those “no brainer” things that always boggled my mind. Did you know in Florida it is LEGAL to actively litter and release 10 balloons into the atmosphere A DAY!?!?! Thats blasphemy! Im most cities, you can receive $500-$1k in fines from the police for littering, but when you let them drift up into our atmosphere, to only later rain down and pollute neighborhoods, natural forest, and our marine ecosystems? Many marine organisms confuse this litter for food, nesting material and get tangled in ribbons causing strangulation, amputation, and disfiguration. Did you know that sea turtles have s PREFERENCE for red and orange balloons, why? Because red balloons look like squid (they change colors) which are some species favorite snacks. Here is a great site called Balloons Blow to read up on for balloons. More soon.

Offshore Drilling & SEISMIC BLASTING

The federal government's failed to push offshore oil drilling and related seismic blasting off the Atlantic coast due to extremely vocal activists from thousands of organizations all over the US. However, the current administration is now planning to expand offshore drilling, putting the Atlantic, Pacific, Gulf of Mexico, and the Arctic at risk of new oil rigs. In Florida, the everglades are now at risk due to a skinny loop-hole in the language and proposals are being submitted to privately contract exploratory measures… New offshore drilling would damage the marine ecosystem and put coastal communities at risk from oil spills. More soon 


Here is Florida we have a pretty ridiculous language barrier between the state and local municipalities. Get this… There is a ban on “bag bans” within the state. Weird… I know. There are some serious plastic bag lobbyist and we need to stop them. Our next best solution? Until the next voting period is available, the best thing we can do is to get your cities to sign a “Resolution of Support” (ROS) supporting Home Rule, (aka allowing cities to make their own rules) on bag bans. Here are the cities that have signed ROS’s: Hallandale, Dania, Hollywood, Ft. Lauderdale. This can also be done voluntarily by people, businesses, and corporations on their own accord to be leaders in their community. More soon.

If you have any questions about marine legislation please contact me and I can explain in further detail my rolls in these efforts and how to get started in marine policy work!