To sea change, let's go back to high school physics...
Newtons laws of motion, they are sort of an analogy life and our journey to sustainability. its about How we can get our inertia going, get back what you give to the world, and every action has an opposite and equal reaction. These simple laws are the same with taking responsibility for our actions and creating a better future.
It starts here. Right now.
Lets face it. giving into the greenwashing of companies trying to sell us more plastics, or “bioplastics”, or things we REALLY dont need gets tiring. I ge tit. We have trained ourselves, to feel like being sustainable is a HARD thing to do.
What i am here to tell you is that it IS NOT HARD, and it can be MUCH CHEAPER and EASIER than the market and social media portray.
Below i have consolidated a short list of easy action items for you to live a more sustainable ocean-minded life today!
Here are my 8 R’s of Waste Management
Reduce your consumption - plastic, water, FoSSil feul etc.
Reuse what you already have, you paid for it, use it up!
Refuse to use single use when ever possible
Rot your table scraps and compostables
Repurpose things you have for completely new uses
Reclaim things that have been damaged, make a-new
RETHINK how you live, recreate, travel with and ocean mind
Recycle what you cannot reduce, reuse, repurpose, reclaim, refuse or rot. Last resort only
Conserve water
One of the single most POWERFUL tools you have is to be aware of your water consumption. We’re not talking how much you DRINK, we’re talking about what you USE during the day. Leaving the faucet on brushing teeth, or washing dishes. How long we shower. Gardening and lawn irrigation. Washing our vehicles, bikes, scooters what ever. We waste thousands of gallons a week. What can you do to slow the trickle?
Planet over plastics
When purchasing ANY goods, especially NEW items, look to see if there are more sustainable materials used to make the same thing. Does it come in bamboo? Metal? Paper? Glass? There are quite a few options now a-days with the turn of sustainability. To find some plastic-free alternatives you can find my Amazon Recommended pages for Ocean-Minded MUST HAVES, Plastic Free Banos, Ocean Minded Home, Gardening, Pets and more!
Say no to petroleum
There are a lot of ways you can detach from the teet that is fossil fuels that are easier and more impactful than you think. One easy way to bring awareness to your home is to look at what is plugged into a wall, switched on, and left on. Do you need it to continue to pull money out of your pocket int he form of electricity? Electricity used fossil fuels to burn to create your electricity. Turn off the lights, unplug and see your petroleum consumption save you money and fuel.